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Donation Page

By donating today, you can join in the work of The Garden Club of Toronto, to create much needed green spaces within our city and help educate those of all ages in sustainable living.

For more than 75 years, donations have helped the Garden Club of Toronto raise over 9 million in current dollars in support of charitable projects that encourage civic planting, advance horticultural preservation and stimulate the knowledge and love of gardening among amateurs.


Donations may be dedicated to the memory of a person or an occasion and may be directed to specific purposes or projects.

Here is How You Can Help


You can:



Send us an e-transfer to

Write a cheque to the Garden Club of Toronto and mail it to:

The Treasurer, The Garden Club of Toronto,
777 Lawrence Avenue East, Toronto, ON M3C 1P2


Donate online, through the CanadaHelps website.

Your Gifts at Work

Contact Us to ask about how to leave a gift in your will or through our investments or insurance polices.

Before you leave...

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Click Here to View Our 2023-2024 Annual Report

The GCT is a registered charity and charitable receipts are available for eligible donations. (Charitable Registration No.119234508RR0001).

Contact Us

The Garden Club of Toronto

777 Lawrence Ave. East

Toronto, ON M3C 1P2
